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Uno Sitios Escondidos Hidden Places 
Blackfish Gallery 

January 2023

Unos Sitios Escondidos Hidden Places explores the relationships between language, memory, materials, and place. I use formal elements of line and color with mixed media, charcoal, written Spanish language, detritus and zip ties. Using those formal elements, I create overall undulating patterns. The patterns create a visual rhythm. This rhythm regulates the speed over which the eye travels, mimicking scanning a natural landscape. I think of Unos Sitios Hidden Places as a type of mental landscape, where one can speed through or pause and reflect before moving forward.


The content for Unos Sitios Escondidos Hidden Places comes from my relationship to Spanish language, in wanting to reclaim it as part of my heritage. A few pieces in this installation reference my extended Puerto Rican family, my interest in both artifice and nature, and in my classical music practice. My use of materials has changed somewhat over 20 years, but the execution has stayed consistent with mark making and personal imagery.



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